The Lion’s Den II
The first Lion’s Den explained how a lion must go into solitude to become a better leader for his pride. The solitude time is not to escape but to Become Faster, Stronger, and Wiser every day. This process takes a lot of focus and strict mental and physical training. As an athlete being faster is essential for my field, so I put that first.
Being faster isn't just speed training, though. Being faster is also acting on the things you need to do to accelerate progression.
My goals now require me to get things done immediately. Strength comes next. I must be mentally and physically stronger than I was before. Sacrifices had to be made to get closer to success; although they bring a lot of heartaches, they prioritize the goals ahead.
The time in the lion’s den addresses all feelings of regret, pain, or doubt and eliminates them from my mind. This time is used to gain a clearer vision of the path that needs to be followed. That's mental strength training.
Physically, the hours spent in the gym made my body stronger for the next obstacle.
Training or developing wisdom comes last. I put this last because it is the most important reason I need to retreat to the Lion’s Den. Before progressing further, I must have acquired a certain amount of wisdom. I must know when to be faster and when to be stronger. I must know when one is needed and not the other. Wisdom is understanding, as well as just knowing. Before I can emerge from the den, I must know what I must do and why I'm doing it. I must understand everything is done for a reason.
The great part about wisdom is when I understand what I must do; I will know why I started this path in the first place. The lessons I learn on this path will give me the attributes needed to complete the new goals. Developing wisdom is the final and most important aspect of going into the Lion’s Den. My time in the den is getting shorter. I hope the world is ready.
Get the full book on Amazon: "Motivated Mindset"