BFH Workout #35: Sheryl Swoopes
Exercise List |
Around the Worlds Start standing with your feet hip-width apart and a medicine ball in your hand. Bend and wrap the ball around your legs, your waist, and then up and around your head. Return to the starting position. |
Figure 8’s Start standing with your feet shoulder- width apart or wider and a medicine ball in your hand. Bend over and pass the ball under one leg and then through the other in a figure-8 motion. |
Lunge to Twists Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Step into a lunge and twist to the outside of the front leg. |
Triceps Dips Bend at the elbows to lower down, keeping your feet forward of your body. Keep your elbows close to your body and your torso tipped forward. Extend your arms engaging your chest to push up.
Lateral Shuffles Begin with your feet in wide stance, and toes slightly turned out. Keep one leg straight and bend the opposite knee, reaching your hands in front of you. Push your hips back as you come down. Transfer your weight to the opposite side and repeat back and forth. |