The Lion’s Den

Sometimes a lion must go into solitude to become a better leader for his pride. This analogy pretty much sums up how I need to deal with things. I've been putting a lot of energy into things outside my control. I'm starting to lose track of what's essential. So, I need to back up and disappear into the lion’s den for a while. I need to get my mind back to where it was.

Complete focus. No veering off course. A lot needs to be done in my life, and I cannot afford to stress myself anymore. Too many people are counting on me now, so failure is not an option. My responsibility is to inspire and lead by example. So, I will be back in the den, getting my next move ready and training my mind, body, and spirit. I will grow faster, stronger, and wiser every day, so I will be more excellent than I ever was when I return. I’ll be the leader I was born to be. And I’ll be ready. I've gone to the den before, but it’s been to cope with life, and it was more of me trying to take a break from the world. Now I'm just getting ready for success. I know my demons will be waiting for me once I return. I'm not worried. They will be conquered, and any other obstacles remain for me. I'm preparing to take this life to a higher level.

But first, I need to go back into the lion’s den.

"I can do all things with Christ, which strengthened me."

Philippians 4:13

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